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DATE: 30/06/2023
TIME: 13:00
LOCAL: Será realizada de forma remota

Analysis of Well-being and Functionality of Women Residing in Santa Cruz-RN Using the Model Disability Survey (MDS) - Brazil Instrument



Keywords:  SubjectiveWell-being. Women Health. International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health. Health Survey. functionality. Surveys and Questionnaires.

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional

Introduction: Well-being is characterized as a multifactorial and multidimensional construct that represents an individual's conditions and overall evaluation of their own life based on objective and subjective factors. In women, factors such as gender inequality, low self-esteem, triple workloads, presence of chronic diseases, among others, can have a negative impact on their health and well-being. General Objective: To analyze the well-being and functionality of women residing in Santa Cruz-RN using the Model Disability Survey (MDS)-Brazil instrument. Article Objective 01: To compare the well-being and functionality of women in terms of mobility and body functions using the Model Disability Survey (MDS)-Brazil instrument. Article Objective 02: To compare the well-being and activity and participation of women using the MDS-Brazil instrument. Methods: This was a cross-sectional population-based study based on data from a larger survey using the MDS instrument. The sample consisted of a total of 385 women who agreed to participate in the study, ranging in age from 19 to 88 years. Women were excluded from the body functions and activity and participation domains due to a high number of incomplete responses. The variables analyzed included sociodemographic and economic items, functionality module, and well-being module, the latter being divided into quality of life, loneliness, and well-being. Descriptive analyses were performed using mean and standard deviation, simple and relative frequencies, prevalences and confidence intervals. Inferential comparative analysis was conducted using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests, and normality was assessed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test. Results Article 01: Women had a mean age of 50.36 years, with the majority reporting having a partner (51.4%), being of mixed race/ethnicity (44.7%), and being unemployed (45.2%). Overall quality of life was rated as good by 49.4% of the participants. The majority reported being satisfied or very satisfied with their ability to perform daily life activities, their self-perception, personal relationships, and housing conditions, especially with their relationships (67.5%), but were dissatisfied with their health (41%). Less than half of the women reported having sufficient energy for daily activities (42.3%) and enough money (23.1%). Regarding loneliness, the majority indicated that they never feel alone (55.6%), lack companionship (54.8%), feel abandoned (81.8%), or feel isolated from others (78.7%). In terms of well-being, less than half of the women reported experiencing a high level of happiness, enthusiasm, and vitality the previous day, while the majority reported not feeling anger, frustration, sadness, stress, loneliness, worry, boredom, or pain. However, the majority of women experienced feelings of tiredness (57.4%). Women with poor or very poor quality of life, dissatisfaction or strong dissatisfaction, and more negative feelings of well-being and loneliness (G3) had higher disability scores in terms of mobility and body functions, with a significant difference (p=0.000) in most cases. For positive feelings of well-being, it was observed that women in G1 (not at all) had higher disability scores in terms of mobility and body functions, with a significant difference (p=0.000). Article 02: This study included 359 women, with the majority falling between the ages of 22 and 45 (39.2%), being in a stable relationship/married (51.4%), and identifying as Black/mixed race/other (62.1%). The majority reported having a good or very good quality of life (N=232), being satisfied with their self-perception of quality of life aspects, and having a moderate or somewhat sufficient amount of money (N=131). The combination of feeling a little, somewhat, frequently alone (N=155) or lacking companionship (N=157) resulted in almost half of the sample experiencing these feelings. Most women had positive feelings of well-being and did not report negative feelings. However, less than half of the women did not feel tired (N=150). Regarding the level of disability, significant statistical differences were observed when comparing the three groups based on quality of life, loneliness, and well-being, with the majority having a p-value of 0.000. It was also observed that women with neither good nor poor quality of life and neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (G2), as well as those with poor or very poor quality of life and dissatisfaction or strong dissatisfaction (G3), had higher disability levels than G1, with a p-value of 0.000, except for housing conditions. This pattern also applies to feelings of loneliness, where women in G2 and G3 have higher disability levels than G1, with a p-value of 0.000 in most cases. Conclusion: In conclusion, the majority of women reported good quality of life and satisfaction, did not experience negative feelings, and had positive well-being. However, there are still women who experience factors that negatively affect their well-being and functionality in terms of mobility, bodily functions, and activities and participation. It was observed that the lower the evaluation of quality of life, loneliness, and well-being, the higher the disability score. Those with poor or very poor quality of life, dissatisfaction, feelings of loneliness, increased fatigue, pain, worry, among others, had higher disability levels in relation to bodily functions, mobility, and activities and participation, resulting in a more significant impairment of functionality.

Presidente - 1242804 - ADRIANA GOMES MAGALHAES
Notícia cadastrada em: 27/06/2023 14:14
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